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June 09
Attendees: Joyce Anderson, James Gray, Joe Lee and Alex Fiandaca

New Business:

Town Common Policy

Members revisited the importance of a town common policy.  An option offered by Mass Historic is to pursue a moratorium until official guidelines are put into place.  Members agreed that this approach was undesirable due to both its negative nature and the bureaucracy that it would entail.  The Commission will start working on policy guidelines after the August 1st dedication of Russell Corner.

Town Website

Members briefly discussed possible items for the new town website, including house histories from the plaque program, photographs of the house plaques themselves, and an interactive map that leads viewers to houses of interest.  The house card file may also be included in some form.  


On May 28th, prior to the West Village acceptance hearing, Phil Bergen met with Joyce, Sheila and Alex for a quick tour of Everettville.  Phil is of the opinion that Everettville is potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historical Places.  It is apparent that Everettville more than likely extends into Westminster, and Joyce has had a very positive response from Betsey Hanula of the Westminster Historical Commission about working together on this potential new district.

Old Business:

Historical Markers for National Register Districts

Princeton Center

Alex presented bronze plaque prices from various manufacturers.  The price discrepancy between our original vendor, Healy Brothers, and Matthews International (the manufacturer used by Leominster Monument) is about $560.  There were significant price discrepancies between other vendors as well.  It was discovered that the price differences correlate to the amount of copper in the bronze alloy. Matthews uses 88% copper whereas Healy Brothers use only 80% copper.  

Additional examples of local, unfinished bronze plaques were examined.  These photos helped confirm the Commission's desire for an unfinished plaque that will age naturally.  Since it is the copper in bronze that forms the desirable patina, the higher copper content is important for an unfinished plaque.

The background texture recommended by Matthews for an unfinished plaque is Travertine.  Members agreed upon a simple, single line border.  The proof sent by Matthews seemed 'flat' to some members and the lettering a bit small.  Alex will request a proof with a larger heading in Time New Roman. Leominster Monument has indicated a new sandblast estimate is needed based on the new rock.  Alex will contact Leominster about assessing the new rock for sandblasting.  

Members walked to town common to view the rock and decide on the final plaque size which was 18 x 24 inches.  Joe will work with Glen on sinking the rock to its final position.  Glen will also set the rock that was picked out for Griffin's plaque.

Russell Corner and Meeting House Hill

At a recent meeting with Deb Cary and Anne Littlefield regarding Russell Corner, a question arouse about the height of the pole for the Russell Corner plaque.  This was discussed by commission members and it was decided that the poles would stand five feet above ground since the plaque itself will stand additional two feet over that.  This will apply to the Meeting House Hill plaque as well. Since this pole will be set on a slope, the five foot height will be determined from the sidewalk.

Russell Corner Dedication

Sheila and Joyce will work on a pamphlet for a self-guided tour.  Joe O'Brien and Lew Evangelidis have agreed to speak at the dedication ceremony.

West Village

On June 10th West Village was accepted by Mass Historic.  The next step in the process is acceptance by the National Park Service.  The plaque for West Village cannot be ordered without a date of acceptance by the National Park Service.  Members agreed to wait until next spring or summer for the dedication of West Village.

Respectfully submitted,
Alex Fiandaca